Posted by: darrenlodge - Posted on:

Influenza vaccinations are now available for all eligible patients, and we have begun contacting all patients by letter, text message and telephone.  This vaccine offers one of the most effective ways of reducing harm from flu and pressure on NHS and social care services during the winter.

We are vaccinating patients differently this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  We normally treat lots of patients at our Influenza vaccination clinics, so we have arranged all clinics on Saturdays during October between 9:00am and 2:30pm.

Check if you can have a vaccine at this website:

If we have asked you to book an appointment or you have confirmed you can have a vaccine visit Patient access at or telephone the surgery.  We have opened our telephone lines on Monday and Wednesday evenings to take bookings for Influenza vaccine appointments. If you would like to book online you can self-register to book your appointment. 

When attending the surgery

The surgery has a one way route for patients to follow, and vaccine stations in the patient waiting area.  Our reception team are on site to help direct patients to their vaccine station.  All staff will wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at the clinic.

At your appointment, we ask all patients to:

  • Wear a face covering in the queue (if one forms) and at your appointment.
  • Attend alone, if possible.  We will allow a single carer or interpreter to attend with you if needed.
  • Wear as few layers of clothing as possible, this reduces the time to give you a vaccine.
  • Arrive at your appointment time – this reduces contact with others and the queue length.  If you arrive late we will ask you to rebook.
  • Respect social distancing of 2 metres at all times when around other patients or staff, apart from staff testing your temperature or giving you the vaccine.
  • Use the hand sanitizer provided when you check in with us. 
  • Avoid touching surfaces if possible.
  • Leave the surgery after you have had your vaccine.


  • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature).
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual).
  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.
  • or are awaiting results of a COVID-19 test.

Please rebook your appointment after your isolation period.  For the latest information and advice about the Coronavirus visit

Influenza vaccination for children aged 2 or 3 years (born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2018)

We will be hosting the children flu vaccines at the surgery as normal.  These will be clinics specifically for children only, where we will give your child a nasal vaccination.  You can book your appointment by telephone for this vaccination.  If you are a parent who can also have an influenza vaccine, please tell us so that we can arrange in the same clinic with your child.

If your child is aged between 6 months and 2 years and is in a high-risk group for flu, we will offer a flu vaccine injection instead of the nasal spray.

If you do not want a vaccination

If you have been invited for an influenza vaccination and do not want to take up the offer this year, please complete the form availableon this link.